Mt Rainier (8)
Rainier National Park Temperature: low-60's Visit Date: June 15 Partner in Crime: none- second solo park trip Route taken: east on WA 161...
Mt St. Helens
Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument: Temperature: mid-60's Visit Date: June 15 Route taken: Coming from the north, I took WA 12...
Olympic National Park (7)
Temperature: widely variable, depending on the area Visit Date: June 14 Partner in Crime: none- first solo park trip Route taken: From...
North Cascades National Park (6)
Temperature: not sure, but cold enough to warrant a down jacket Visit Date: June 9 Partner in Crime: Meg Franz, Brad Gannon, Tim& Barbara...
Rocky Mountain National Park (5)
Temperature: not sure, but definitely cold enough to snow Visit Date: May 29 Partner in Crime: Kim Thomas Route taken: Estes Park to...
Carlsbad Caverns National Park (4)
Carlsbad Caverns is rather indescribable. Jaren and I decided to take the natural entrance hike in, and the elevator back up. Instead...
Big Bend National Park (3)
Side note: I will post a gallery since I found so many phenomenal photos of Big Bend- check back to see more! My friend Jaren and I left...
Guadalupe Mountains National Park (2)
My friend Jaren and I headed down to Guadalupe this morning. I had checked last night, and while there was a fire, inciweb had reported...
Today was a day of firsts. My aunt Barb and I are in Sedona, AZ on a couple day vacation close to her hometown of Phoenix. Last night, we...
Skiing, Politics, and Mountain Bikes
Yesterday I went skiing at Copper Mountain with some friends. First, thank you mother nature for giving us this amazing ski season that...